Gathered Greatness RSVP
Arrival & Welcome Dinner
Sunday & Monday
Mastermind & Workshop
*If anyone is interested in golfing beforehand, please let me know, and we will set tee-times on Friday and/or Saturday morning.
The home has 9 bedrooms, plenty of bathrooms, and sleeps 30. We have room for everyone.
There is a caterer set for the weekend. We will take the total catering bill, food, etc. and divide by group.
Expect the total to be less than $400 each, please bring cash.
Pack whatever you are comfortable wearing for events during day — let’s do casual!
Evenings will be cooler and will be by campfire — so bring sweatshirt and jeans.
Swimsuit to swim in beautiful Lake Michigan, pool, or hot tub.
Fly into Grand Rapids, MI — Airport Code GRR
It is about 40 minutes between the airport and the lake house.
You can take Uber/Lift or rent car from airport.
As we get closer and get flight arrangements, it is likely we will have a couple drivers.